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Expectations for Success

At MPS Online our students come first.  In all of our planning, we make decisions that are student-focused.  We promote equity, opportunity, and choice.  We commit to excellence, innovation, and continuous improvement. 


This agreement outlines the responsibilities of students, parents/guardians, and the MPS Online staff.  By signing this compact, we are all making a commitment to carry out the roles and responsibilities for creating the best outcomes for students. 

School Expectations

MPS Online will:

  • Provide the district's high-quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment.

  • Provide teaching that is based on principles of effective learning.

  • Provide learning experiences and expectations that match the students’ needs.

  • Ensure ongoing communication with parents and students, including both positive and needs based feedback, around academics and engagement.

  • Provide the services designated in each student's Individualized Learning Plan (IEP) or 504 Plan. 


Parent/Guardian Expectations

Parents/Guardians will:

  • Ensure that your student(s) attends all online instructional classes every day, on time.

  • Help your student(s) establish a daily routine and schedule.

  • Help your student(s) establish a good study routine to complete school work on time.

  • Monitor your students' grades weekly in Infinite Campus.

  • Ensure that there is a designated place for your student to store their materials, so that they are ready for class.

  • Set up a quiet area for your student to learn in.  Keep them away from TVs, video games, loud music and other conversations in the room.

  • Be open and responsive to communication from the teachers.  

  • Provide current contact information, and notify the school when it changes.


Student Expectations

K-5 Students will:

  • Attend all classes and meetings, and be on time.

  • Have a daily schedule.

  • Always do my best.

  • Ask for help when it is needed.

  • Find a quiet place to learn (no tv, tablets, video games, others talking).

  • Do my homework.

  • Move my body when I need a break.

6-12 Students will:

  • Login to all classes at least one time every school day and attend all meetings with the teacher.

  • Establish daily routines and timelines to participate and engage in the posted learning activities.

  • Complete and submit all assignments on time.

  • Check your email at least twice per day for announcements from your teachers and counselors.

  • Check your student portal in Infinite Campus to ensure that you are keeping up with your assignments and all scheduled classes on both Google Classroom and Odysseyware.

  • Contact your teacher(s) and/or counselor(s) when needing additional support or clarification.